Admin Riley
( I choke cats )[RS:5=Chris Lowe]
Posts: 265
Post by Admin Riley on Jul 16, 2012 22:41:31 GMT -8
Hey guys, this ones going to be really super easy for you, and is more of a money earning exercise than a competition. There will be no first/second/third unless someone does something fanfreakingtastic.
I want you to give me one thing - big or small - to do on/to HA to make us better. What kind of thingsSTAFF POSITIONS Suggest things like:
Header image. (small) Layout colours. (large) Codes added/taken away. (large) Plot changes. (large) New features. (depending)
So on and so forth (the "size" of the suggestion indicated in the brackets).
Small suggestions = $250 in any ONE characters pocket, + 15 credits. Large suggestions = $500 in any ONE characters pocket, + 50 credits.
If you're going to suggest something, make sure it's a good one - if something bothers you or could use improvement, BRING IT UP. It can be literally anything (within reason, don't say, "oh the fonts too big here" or "I don't like how you have ADMIN in your name" kind of deal. Oy.)
Only thing: if you're going to suggest something large ie. plot change, I'm going to PM you asking for suggestions on how to make it better. Even POST HERE saying how to make it better - really! For the betterment of the RP experience, I say. ;)
IF YOU ARE suggesting a code be added, post a link to where I can get the code, or quote it here for me. So I don't have to go running around like a headless chicken looking for it.
PM for more details/questions, otherwise, post away below. I will categorize your suggestion and pay accordingly!
Post by wildz on Jul 17, 2012 18:55:41 GMT -8
This isn't really for the site as a whole but when you do shows maybe we could draw/find a lineart of ribbons or a trophy for first place etc. And under character logs you could have a trophy cabinet or sometimes. I would be willing to color in the ribbons and trophies if you wanted because I have found a pretty good lineart on DA. And I could do it for free if you wanted.
Admin Riley
( I choke cats )[RS:5=Chris Lowe]
Posts: 265
Post by Admin Riley on Jul 17, 2012 19:31:54 GMT -8
Sounds awesome to me! Not sure where you're from but here first is blue, second is red, and third is white. We'd only need those three. And also a big golden trophy and a big silver trophy would be fabulous! I'd use the ribbons for every individual shows results and the trophies would be for the year-end cup and the summer special cup. I will award you 50hp and $500 per ribbon and trophy, meaning you'd get 250hp and $2500. Sound goodSTAFF POSITIONS STAFF POSITIONS (:
Post by wildz on Jul 17, 2012 20:34:16 GMT -8
Sure! That works for me! Thank you :D Done and credited!
Post by joel on Jul 19, 2012 23:14:10 GMT -8
This suggestion is small, but how about you put the 'vote' box with the left sidetables/sideboxesSTAFF POSITIONS Sometimes people won't notice the vote boxes and may not vote, just a really small suggestion so we can get more votes for the site :- )Done and credited!
Post by bella on Jul 20, 2012 9:00:28 GMT -8
Just a suggestion to add fun to the site (not that I don't think this site is perfect and fun as it is) but surprise and disaster is always a fun thing to do if enough people sign up. :)
Also, site-wide plots that pop up every now and then where something happens and people sign up to get characters injured, be the heros, or commit the crime. I always find these a fun way to get a lot of people on the site to roleplay together :)
Yeah, I'm fascinated by Jen's boob, too.[RS:1]
Posts: 38
Post by LEAH SANFORD on Jul 20, 2012 9:19:32 GMT -8
The only changes I were to make here to this sexy-ass site is mostly just moving stuff around.
I feel that the USER STATISTICS would work well if you move it up to the left side. And I think adding the number of students in each team would be helpful if you haven't done that already somewhere and I'm oblivious. And I think the "THE SUMMER SPECIAL." table should be moved up so that it's below the Welcome table, or the logins table. Then Move the OTM/Spotlights table below that. Put all the important stuff first :3
Done and credited!
What another cool gadget I had used on another forum was a toggled word count bar. But I do like the original word count thingies, so it won't kill me or hurt my feelings if you don't try it out.I think this is the script...
<script language="JavaScript">
function countit(){
/*Word count script By JavaScript Kit ( Over 400+ free scripts here! */
var formcontent=document.wordcount.wordcount2.value formcontent=formcontent.split(" ") document.wordcount.wordcount3.value=formcontent.length } </script>
Aaaaand just a quick plot that I haven't totally formulated in my head, but what if there's an intruder with a gunSTAFF POSITIONS The whole school goes into lock down and it's some scurry shit. And not all the kids are indoors...ooh...bummer. RUN LIKE THE WIND or hide. Hiding works, unless you're a really fat kid.
Edit: What about an influenza going aroundSTAFF POSITIONS
And that's all I can think about. I hope I make sense xD
Post by selma on Jul 20, 2012 11:36:12 GMT -8
I just have a few small codes that are just cool. I just think that they are some cool features to have. I also have a little suggestion at the bottom.
1. This one you need a word count minimum for, but you put in your word count minimum and it won't let any users post a message under the word limmit. You can find the main thread for it [url= STAFF POSITIONS board=codedatabase&action=display&n=1&thread=70527]here.[/url] <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* minimum message length - ross do not redistribute without permission */
// Minimum number of characters var MinLength = 30;
// no need to edit below function checkLen() { if(document.postForm.message.value.length > MinLength) { input.item(zLength-3).removeAttribute('disabled'); input.item(zLength-4).removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { input.item(zLength-3).setAttribute('disabled','true'); input.item(zLength-4).setAttribute('disabled','true'); } }
function quick_checkLen() { if(mes.item(0).value.length > MinLength) { obj.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { obj.setAttribute('disabled','true'); } }
var input = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var zLength = input.length; var mes = document.getElementsByName('message');
if(document.postForm) { document.postForm.message.onkeyup = function() { checkLen(); } while(input[zLength-1].value != 'Reset') { zLength--; } checkLen(); }
else if(mes.item(0)){ mes.item(0).onkeyup = function() { quick_checkLen(); } while(input[zLength-1].value != 'Post Reply') { zLength--; } var obj = input.item(zLength-1); quick_checkLen(); } //--> </script> 2. This one just prevents double posting, although you can make it so certain members can double post. You can find the main thread [url= POSITIONS board=codedatabase&action=display&n=1&thread=70179]here.[/url][/color] <script type="text/javascript">
// Created by PopThosePringles
// Array of usernames that can double post, ie ["admin", "peter"];
var double_post_allowed = ["admin"];
// Message you want displayed
var double_post_message = "You are not allowed to double post.";
allowed: [], user: pb_username, message: "", init: function(){ this.allowed = double_post_allowed; this.message = double_post_message; if(document.postForm && location.href.match("action=post")){ if(!this.check_permission()){ this.check_last_user(); } } }, check_last_user: function(){ var table = document.getElementsByTagName("table"); var re = new RegExp("user=" + this.user + "$"); for(var t = 0, l = table.length; t < l; t ++){ if(table.item(t).cellPadding == "4" && table.item(t).cellSpacing == "1" && table.item(t).innerHTML.match(/>Topic Summary<\//)){ var last = table.item(t).rows.item(table.item(t).rows.length - 2).cells.item(0); if(last && last.getElementsByTagName("a").item(0).href.match(re)){ this.disable_post_form(); } } } }, disable_post_form: function(){ document.postForm.message.value = this.message;
for(var e = 0, l = document.postForm.elements.length; e < l; e ++){ document.postForm.elements[e].disabled = true; } }, check_permission: function(){ if(this.user && this.allowed.length){ for(var a = 0, l = this.allowed.length; a < l; a ++){ if(this.allowed[a] == this.user){ return true; } } } return false; }
These are really great ideas, Selma! It's just hard when people want to do their own plot pages and post multiple times back to back, and I have that code in place. It makes it so it can't. I'll see if I can make it centered around boards instead of users.
And the word limit code... Sort of the same. With games and whatnot, it's hard to have that code in place if someone wants to respond and have a simple 3 word response in a game thread. Again I can see if I can apply it to individual boards. It's possible.
But on that note, for those two codes ^ if it is a board by board thing, I don't want to go into every. Single. Board. And update it for them. That would take a very long time! So I'll see if I can implement them without it being too much hassle. I've credited you for your suggestions nonetheless as they are very much appreciated!! <33. I know you said don't say stuff like the font size and stuff, but there is some stuff on the site (like the User Statistics on the sidebar) are pretty small. I can't read them. Maybe it is just me though. Anyone else see that or just me STAFF POSITIONS If it's just me I am sorry for bringing it up. ^ They're all a good size for me; it might be your monitor size, or maybe you need to hold CTRL+UP to zoom in one or two times. If this doesn't work, let me know. I would like everyone to be able to read everything.[/size] If I have any more I will just add them or PM them to you. Selma
Post by wildz on Jul 22, 2012 21:43:55 GMT -8
This is small but for the mall maybe do a directory of stores so we know where we are shopping at when we go there STAFF POSITIONS And also maybe a list of movies at the movie theater STAFF POSITIONS
Post by henley421 on Jul 23, 2012 8:40:23 GMT -8
So I found a couple codes that might help add excitement to the site. This code was found on proboards and was by [url= POSITIONS action=viewprofile&user=cddude229]Chris.
[/url] Here's the code:[/s] I LOVED THIS IDEA. But I can't get it to work for the life of me. Just spent half an hour doing it... No cigar. :( Credited nonetheless, fab idea.<script type="text/Javascript"> // Add Content to End of Miniprofile by Chris // Do not redistribute without permission of the creator
var aTD = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); function addContent(un, da){ if(location.href.match(/action=(display|(calendar|pm)[center][b]STAFF POSITIONS[/b][/center]view)/i) || document.title.match(/\s-\s(Preview|Search\sResults)/i)){ for(a=0;a<aTD.length;a++){ if(aTD[a].width == "20%" && aTD[a].innerHTML.match(new RegExp("user="+un+"[\"'\\s>]", "i"))){ aTD[a].innerHTML += da; } } } }
// SYNTAX: addContent("username_of_the_user", "HTML here to be added. Make sure to use <br /> to add line breaks."); // Repeat line as necessary. addContent("username", "Data here."); </script> This would allow you to add awards to a users mini profile. It goes in the global footer, and you could resize the ribbons and trophies to be able to fit them there to display how many awards they have won. Also if you enabled the news fader you could have happy birthday message to those who are having one. This one goes in the main footer. Here's the code: The newsfader can be enabled but it does NOT look good at all with the way I have the site set up. I'll look and fiddle but I'm not a huge fan of it. Credited.<script> //Add Happy Birthday Message to News Fader v1.0
//Copyright 10-31-2005 by ~Wonder //May be reposted anywhere as long as this header remains in tact. if("undefined"!=typeof(fContent)) { for(i=document.images.length-1;i>0;i--) { if(document.images[i].alt && document.images[i].alt=="birthdays"){break;} } if(i!=0) { a=document.images[i].parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a"); bdays=new Array(); for(i=0;i<a.length;i++) { a[i].href.match(/action\=viewprofile/)[center][b]STAFF POSITIONS[/b][/center]bdays[bdays.length]=a[i].innerHTML:""; } if(bdays.length>1){bdays[bdays.length-1]="and "+bdays[bdays.length-1];} if(bdays.length>2){bdays=bdays.join(", ");} else {bdays=bdays.join(" ");} bdays.length>0[center][b]STAFF POSITIONS[/b][/center]fContent[fContent.length]="Happy Birthday to "+bdays:""; } } </script> Here is a code that will add a little space between the UBBC icons: Added. Credited.<script type="text/javascript"> <!--
/*Space Between UBBC Icons - Open Source*/ if(document.postForm){ var iCell=document.postForm.color.parentNode.parentNode; var iTheLink=iCell.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i=0;i<iTheLink.length;i++){ var iSpacedOut=document.createTextNode(' '); iTheLink.item(i).parentNode.insertBefore(iSpacedOut, iTheLink.item(i)); } }
//--> </script> Goes in Global Footer. For those who are admins this could be a very useful feature! Admin notes! This goes at the very BOTTOM of the Main Footer, and will allows admins to leave notes for each other. Some previews are: Neat. Applied. Credited.Admin PanelView NotesModify NoteDelete Note Note SettingsSo do you like it STAFF POSITIONS If so here is the coding: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- /* Administration Notes v2 - Headers Created By Triad */
if(document.title.match(/(admin\shome|maintenance\smode\senabled)/i)){ document.write('<div id="administration_notes_top"></div>'); } if(location.href.match(/action=(admin|headersfooters)/i)){ document.write('<div id="administration_notes_body"></div>'); } //--></script>
Main Footers
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- /* Administration Notes v2 - Footers Created By Triad */
var _settings = { admin_page: true, admin_page_location: 0, delete_one: "", delete_all: "", modify: "", post: "", settings: "", sticky: "" };
// Begin Notes var _notes = new Array(); // End Notes
if(document.title.match(/(admin\shome|maintenance\smode\senabled)/i)){ document.write('<div id="administration_notes_bottom"></div>'); } if(location.href.match(/action=(admin|headersfooters)/i)){ document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src=''><\/script>"); }
//--></script> [/blockquote]
Post by loganatlantis on Jul 23, 2012 20:31:09 GMT -8
Maybe a skin with shades of green STAFF POSITIONS I think it would look really pretty for autumn. Also I made the site this this. Also a list of what staff positions are taken and which ones are needed
Post by Lucas Montgomery on Jul 23, 2012 23:13:09 GMT -8
One thing that might be nice, even if its just on non-RP boards if possible is to enable the quick reply button/box/option. I know I like using the quick reply for games, intros, and little things like this even instead of opening an actual reply window.
Another suggestion (and way to have people use the money they will accumulate) is to have a "store" of sorts. This could be school run, or just in the community itself, but for tack/equipment for riding and or clothing/equipment you need as a rider. Like if you need/want a new saddle, or you broke your dressage whip and need to replace it. Or even if you just bought a new horse and surprise none of your old equipment fits. It just seems like it might be a fun addition, and way to spend some money. The "stores" could either have a standard stock that they always have, or if the staff wanted to rotate items once in a while so the stock was different and that way if you saw something you wanted you'd want to buy it instead of waiting around, in case next time it you went it was gone.
That's all for now!
Admin Riley
( I choke cats )[RS:5=Chris Lowe]
Posts: 265
Post by Admin Riley on Jul 23, 2012 23:22:37 GMT -8
One thing that might be nice, even if its just on non-RP boards if possible is to enable the quick reply button/box/option. I know I like using the quick reply for games, intros, and little things like this even instead of opening an actual reply window. Another suggestion (and way to have people use the money they will accumulate) is to have a "store" of sorts. This could be school run, or just in the community itself, but for tack/equipment for riding and or clothing/equipment you need as a rider. Like if you need/want a new saddle, or you broke your dressage whip and need to replace it. Or even if you just bought a new horse and surprise none of your old equipment fits. It just seems like it might be a fun addition, and way to spend some money. The "stores" could either have a standard stock that they always have, or if the staff wanted to rotate items once in a while so the stock was different and that way if you saw something you wanted you'd want to buy it instead of waiting around, in case next time it you went it was gone. That's all for now! I really want to do this. I just need the time and need to get a lot more 'big issues' out of the way first. It will be time consuming... But yes, I intend to do this in the future!! Great suggestion. :D
Admin Riley
( I choke cats )[RS:5=Chris Lowe]
Posts: 265
Post by Admin Riley on Jul 23, 2012 23:24:40 GMT -8
Maybe a skin with shades of green STAFF POSITIONS I think it would look really pretty for autumn. Also I made the site this this. Also a list of what staff positions are taken and which ones are needed I probably won't do a skin swap until the end of August or mid-August at the earliest. I can use that header though; it's very nice!! Greens are good. The staff positions list is in the works. (: Credited
Post by selma on Jul 24, 2012 9:58:16 GMT -8
I have another smaller thing. I think we should have a Bulletin Board where people's characters can offer their own services (training, etc.). I also think that instead of having a chat that you have to click on at the bottom, we could have a c-box in the sidebar.
Just what I think. Selma
Post by loganatlantis on Jul 24, 2012 10:27:19 GMT -8
I have other suggestion. An open thread, thread. You know a thread where everyone can post their open threads so those that are looking to join one know where they are STAFF POSITIONS
Admin Riley
( I choke cats )[RS:5=Chris Lowe]
Posts: 265
Post by Admin Riley on Jul 24, 2012 10:34:01 GMT -8
I have other suggestion. An open thread, thread. You know a thread where everyone can post their open threads so those that are looking to join one know where they are STAFF POSITIONS I used to have it as links in the sidebar. Would you like it if I had it in the links section or even somewhere else with a dropdown box STAFF POSITIONS And if you have an open thread, PM it to me and I can add it to the list STAFF POSITIONS I could check daily to see if they've been replied to, and if so, I will remove them. Or would you prefer an Open Thread thread that I link to in the BASIC or OTHER LINKS section STAFF POSITIONS Thoughts STAFF POSITIONS
Admin Riley
( I choke cats )[RS:5=Chris Lowe]
Posts: 265
Post by Admin Riley on Jul 24, 2012 10:36:36 GMT -8
I have another smaller thing. I think we should have a Bulletin Board where people's characters can offer their own services (training, etc.). I also think that instead of having a chat that you have to click on at the bottom, we could have a c-box in the sidebar. Just what I think. Selma First off - cbox. I've had mixed input on this. A lot of people love the chatango, and I kind of agree. But it has been really temperamental and won't load for some people without refreshing a billion times. So I think I'll put that one to vote. I can move it to the left side tables, and I'll move the static affies down to where the chatango is now. I will do that after I finish house chores and have a shower. As for the bulletin board, I fully intend to put one up, but I need to figure out how I'm going to do it first. So I will contemplate that while I am busy doing the house things I mentioned before. :P
Post by loganatlantis on Jul 24, 2012 10:45:38 GMT -8
I have other suggestion. An open thread, thread. You know a thread where everyone can post their open threads so those that are looking to join one know where they are STAFF POSITIONS I used to have it as links in the sidebar. Would you like it if I had it in the links section or even somewhere else with a dropdown box STAFF POSITIONS And if you have an open thread, PM it to me and I can add it to the list STAFF POSITIONS I could check daily to see if they've been replied to, and if so, I will remove them. Or would you prefer an Open Thread thread that I link to in the BASIC or OTHER LINKS section STAFF POSITIONS Thoughts STAFF POSITIONS I meant a thread that was stickied somewhere, where people could post their open threads themselves. That way it would be a lot less work for you admins and when people get someone to reply to their thread they could just delete their post in the open thread, thread. Is it making any since STAFF POSITIONS
Post by arielracheal on Jul 24, 2012 20:54:56 GMT -8
Here is another suggestion. It is for the student jobs (or even adult jobs) Teachers aid. Or whatever you call them. Someone to help the teachers/riding ins. Like for example it would make since that Ariel would have one for barrel racing and cattle events seeing as she is limited to what she can do being in her wheelchair. Also I think it is a cool idea.
Yeah, I'm fascinated by Jen's boob, too.[RS:1]
Posts: 38
Post by LEAH SANFORD on Jul 29, 2012 0:24:33 GMT -8
Plot: It's been a long, relaxing summer. Students are finally calming down, and getting ready for Summer to come to a close, and the new school year to start off.
The air is cool, and complete silence has fallen upon the campus. It's so peaceful...for the moment.
Shrill and frightened whinnies pierce the silent night. It's late, about 2:33 in the morning. Why are they making such a ruckusSTAFF POSITIONS As few are awoken to the sounds, they get up and peer out their windows, seeing a faint orange glow in the distance.
A Barn Fire.
Post by ayla on Jul 29, 2012 7:56:07 GMT -8
The global footer appears to have some directions that weren't commented out, and they show up at the very bottom of every page. I think it's for the PBv4 Mini-Profile.
Post by kane on Jul 29, 2012 8:07:30 GMT -8
so this is kind of a new feature and a code all in one. i just don't know what code it is, or how to find it. but i found on a few other sites that they had an area where they could put there tables, or codses for their characters and label them. then when they want to post, they can decide what code they would like to use through all those little gadgets above the text bar. it's like a little drop down menue, gives you your options and i think it could save a lot of frustration trying to copy/paste all different codes... and then realize you have the wrong code for the wrong character. if you don't quite understand, i think i have a screenshot of it somewhere. btw, this is justa suggestion, i already love the site lol :3 and if you can't find the code, or don't understand, it's all good lol C: [/size]
Post by ayla on Jul 29, 2012 9:00:41 GMT -8
I know that code! It's [url= STAFF POSITIONS board=codedatabase&action=display&thread=359722]here (click)[/url].
Admin Riley
( I choke cats )[RS:5=Chris Lowe]
Posts: 265
Post by Admin Riley on Jul 29, 2012 12:12:05 GMT -8
I know that code! It's [url= STAFF POSITIONS board=codedatabase&action=display&thread=359722]here (click) [/url].[/quote] Oh jeeze LOL thanks, fixed & credited. c: